Updated Phasing and Occupation strategy

The consortium has published their latest Phasing and Occupation strategies, outlining when the new homes at the development will be completed and occupied by new residents.

All 250 homes will be completed on the site between 2021 and 2024, with the first 50 homes expected to be completed in 2021.

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The first homes will occupied by their new residents in July and August 2021, with further completions and occupations scheduled until July 2023.

The show home was completed in April 2021, allowing buyers to view their potential new home. In order to open the show home, the construction access has moved further south and will continue to be used for the duration of the build out.

The first public open space areas to the east of the site are also expected to be completed this year, with further spaces complete in 2023 alongside the new community centre.

The occupation strategy will be reviewed and revised if necessary on a quarterly basis as the project progresses.

You can download the Phasing and Occupation Strategies on our Downloads page.